Sunday, November 2, 2008

Well Hello There

I know I've neglected the blog realm lately and no one actually reads this (and by no one I mean only alyssa and sometimes ryan) but this video needs to be documented.
Thank god I stummbled upon music for kids who can't read good. Its a hilarious literal version of the video for the 80s classic Take On Me by A-ha. Everyone needs a little meme in their life.

Best line:
This guys gonna get an ass full of pipe wrench.

Oh and the people who live in the quad next door have been playing the same fucking mix tape for an hour now and I cannot stand the repetative bass beat. I think it irks me because I know the song but can't place it. I think this may just drive me completely insane.

Remember when I was freaking out because I couldn't decided what to do with my life?
Yeah, still have no clue. But I'm taking the GREs. So thats something. I'm thinking I might just go to Christiania. Except the cops are douche bags and hassle them a lot and I don't speak french or danish. Maybe I'll just start a blog about communes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ryan Weller Loves IT!

This is what I'm going to give Ryan for his birthday! I just found it online while browsing around! I'm so happy I've stummbled upon it. Now he wont have to do as much work and maybe he'll be less stressed out! yay!


Yesterday Ryan complained that he didn't want to be here anymore.
Yeah I don't want to either but at least we know whats going on here. We know that we're together and we live within a 5 minute walk from each other.
What is going to happen after college?
Are we going to be together?
Where are we going to live?
How are we even going to be able to pay for anything?
I think we may be fucked.
The future freaks me out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin is Terrible

GIBSON: Did you ever travel outside the country prior to your trip to Kuwait and Germany last year?

PALIN: Canada. Mexico.

One of the highlights from her segmented first interview on ABC. She also claimed you can see Russia from Alaska, and that it gives her a sense of how small and connected the world is. Aww. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

If you watch the whole interview, she seems uncomfortable, nervous, inexperienced, and extremely out of her league. It is laughable that this woman could possibly be a heartbeat away from the presidency. But more than that, it is downright scary. I think Matt Damon sums up my fears perfectly:

Its time to heal eachother.

2-Pac said in his song, "Changes" we weren't ready to see a black president. I wonder if we're ready now? I really hope so. I'm ready. The east coast is definetly ready. WE LOVE OBAMA, and miss 2-pac. Do you discourage us because we're white? We empower you. <3 Jess
P.s. My sister is cuban....and ryan slept with one.
Racial unity, muther fuckers.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin: "What is it exactly that the VP does everyday?"

and while you're at it, watch this sickening video as well.

and to top everything off on this lovely Monday evening, a few days ago, Cindy McCain was on TV discussing how Sarah Palin has national security experience due to the geographical location of Alaska. (because it's close to Russia.) Huh? Then maybe Canadian geese have more international experience because they can fly. Give me a break.

All of this really does make me sick.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This is perfect.

Thanks to my new Gender and Pop Culture professor, Jessica Valenti, the co-founder and contributer to the blog, I came across this amazing video that needs to be shared with everyone.